We link you with your next Merchant Partner and Customer.
How it works?
We've streamlined our entire affiliate process to ensure ease of use,
while still maintaining extremely accurate affiliate tracking.
Visitor clicks on an affiliate link on your social media or in an email.
The visitors IP is logged and a cookie is placed in their browser for tracking purposes.
The visitor browses Merchant site, and may decide to order.
If the visitor orders (the order need not be placed during the same browser session--cookies and IPs are stored indefinitely), the order will be registered as a sale for you.
We will review and approve the sale.
You will receive commission payouts.
Now you can make more money than ever before from your website, social media, vlog, blog by promoting products/services from your partner Merchants through the ReferralLynx Network.
Are you ready to discover new opportunities?
There is no charge to join our Affiliate Program.
We pay commissions for all sales you referred.
Earn up to 30% commissions